Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Introducing............Deuce the Cat....and a new Fat Guy World Premiere Music Video!

Hey there, friends! It's yer ole pal Fat Guy here with a brand spankin' new blog update, new name, and a new look to our site!!

I would like everyone to welcome my newest furry friend, Deuce!
(round of applause and cheers.)

He is 4 months old and we got him through some friends of ours who knew a girl who fosters chihuahuas and kitties! Ladyfriend squealed when her dream of a whole flock of chihuahuas came true when she saw all those doggies running around the back yard!

Tnky: Help me? For goodness sakes, why did you bring home another dang animal?

Cuddle buddies!

Conan has found a new spot to chill out (laundry room shelf) away from the demands of kitten and chihuahua chasing.

This past weekend, not only did we go and get Deuce, but we also visited our friends, Mike and Della, who live in Frankfort, KY, who introduced us to the wonders of Mexican buffet. Ladyfriend thought it was the greatest place ever invented. They had chimichangas, really awesome pico de gallo, taquitos (they were so-so, but Ladyfriend loves these) and really tasty fajitas all on the buffet. We were sooo stuffed!!

Me caught with my mouth full.

Della and Mike (being gross!)

After lunch, we all went to some nature preserve place/park that Mike wanted to show us. This is where he asked Della to marry him, by the waterfall. It's a beautiful place!

Ladyfriend said the waterfall made her feel all kissy. Awwww!

After our trip to the waterfall site, we went back to Mike and Della's house where we partook in some awesome dessert. I like to call the Apple Crisp Ladyfriend made, "Apple crack." It was amazing! I gave her the "look" I usually give when she makes something totally tasty, which is quite often:

Well, that's pretty much all we did this past weekend. Well, except for the fact that when we went to Walmart on Saturday, Ladyfriend showed me a Hula swimsuit for tiny dogs and I resonded with, "Oh that is soooo cuuute!" What has happened to me?

Have a great week!

And now......the world premiere of.....

yes, I find this embarrassing, but I love to daaaaaance!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Yay! Pringles!!!

Howdy, friends!!! It's yer ole pal Fat Guy and I have the narco-sleepies (what we call extreme tiredness) and the scoop on what's been going on lately.

Let's see.....what has happened since our last post? So much! I don't will make a list!

1) We had a nice get together at the house with a bunch of friends and Ladyfriend made some awesome burgers and stuff! This was a few weeks ago.

2) Cassy, Ladyfriend's sister gave us a table for our house which is waaaaay better looking than the one we had before with mismatched chairs!

3) Ladyfriend officially is a resident of Kentucky....she got her Kentucky driver's license!!! Yay! Now if she could only get the moron's from Chase to get her title done that has taken over 2 months....that's a long long long story.

4) We had our buddies, Mike and Della stop by for a fun visit this past weekend and we enjoyed some tasty vittles Ladyfriend made: barbecued pork chops, baked potatoes, and sweet white corn all cooked on the grill. It was sooooo awesome! We all also went to Taylorsville Lake and walked around for awhile. Ladyfriend was mad because she forgot her camera! Tinkers also dressed up for the occasion:

I think she was still a little bummed in this picture, because her hero passed away:

RIP Gidget the Taco Bell dog.

Gidget was 15 years old when she died of a stroke while watching TV with her trainer on July 22. Ladyfriend was sad too. She loves the movie, Legally Blonde, and apparently in Legally Blonde 2, Bruiser (the Chihuahua) well, his mom was played by Gidget. Let's pour out some hot sauce for our dead Chihuahua homies. Peace.

5) Yesterday was Ladyfriend's birthday!!! YAY! She is 29 and not real happy about it. At least she isn't 30 yet! We had a nice dinner of ribeyes at home last night that I made her and she visited with her family all day because she didn't have class and took a vacation day from work. She had a relaxing day.

6) Ladyfriend was confronted with the elusive neighborhood skunk with a weird white spot on top of his head (like a monk) and no stripe. He was about 2 feet from her when she was taking Tinkers out for a walk. We had heard from our neighbor, Carol that there was one lurking near our house and I saw it one day and I tried to shoot it, but it got away in the empty lot next door. Ladyfriend saw it and ran. Luckily, the skunk ran away too, the other way. Afterward, Ladyfriend heard some rustling in the woods behind the house and saw two baby deer who she waved at. She waves at every animal she sees (except for skunks) even though animals don't understand what waving is. She also likes to talk to the Alpaca a few miles from the house that she sees on her way to work. Kinda weird! Anyway, I finally shot what I thought was the weirdo spotted skunk, but it turned out to be a different one. Ladyfriend's mom thinks his relatives (the skunk) will come back and get us with switchblades (actually Ladyfriend suggested this in a conversation with her mom) or they will spray our house with funky skunk juice. HAHAHA!

7) Ladyfriend and I both have been raising heck about our torn up property and lack of mulch and poor choice of tree(s) (well, one died) that were placed in our yard. We are mad because I paid enough money for this house and land that I should have the property fixed to my satisfaction, and it is not! Anyway, the General manager of Clayton homes is supposed to stop by this Friday to FINALLY address our jacked up land concerns. As you know, they also put down our landscaping before our water lines were installed. Really intelligent folks, huh? They also did virtually no grading and our property has so many humps and bumps that we have to pay a friend of ours with a tractor to mow it! Our house is comfy and beautiful, but we hate what they did to our land. What should we have to pay for new trees and more mulch that washed away when they dug the water trench? Also, our grass seed never took and we have patchy grass and tons of weeds. Here is a pic of our house at night:

8) Tinky has been eating human food lately. Ladyfriend said she would never give her human food, but we are trying to fatten that tiny dog up! I let her try a cut up burger and she loved it!! Since then, she has tried a little bit of sausage from pizza, some crust, ribeye, some biscuit, and her favorite snack, Pringles!!! She also learned how to do pirouettes for Pringles and also sit! Here are some funny pics of the lil Pringle muncher:

Isn't she the funniest dog?

I shall now close this blog with yet another awesome sunset as seen from our front porch and some cute aminals that we love!!

Conan trying to clean Tinky, but she's not having it!

Have a great weekend!