Monday, May 4, 2009

Lazy Derby Weekend

This weekend was a lazzzzy weekend! Well, after all of the manual labor we did at Ladyfriend's mom's house. I stayed over there all weekend to help in the yard and rip up carpet in the Living room. It was also the Kentucky Derby on Saturday!
Here are the weekend's highlights:


  Ladyfriend and I went over to our friends, Kenny and Becky's hizzzouse. Kenny made some barbecued chicken breasts on the grill that would make your tongue jump out yo mouth and slap ya silly! In other words, it was pure awesomeness. He marinated it all day in buffalo sauce and then put his homemade barbecue sauce on it. We also watched the movie, Yes Man with Jim Carrey. It was funny and pretty nasty in some spots, and also a bit weird. Ladyfriend isn't sure if she liked it or not. The jury is still out on that one. Later, Ladyfriend and I went to the grocery to buy things for a cookout on Derby Day. We got all our stuff, and when we left the store, it was raining cats and dogs (and not of the little dog and ornage cat kind.) It was also frigid cold rain, yuck. We went back to Ladyfriend's house, put the food away, and went to sleepies, because the next day we had a ton of work to do in the yard.


  We got up early and Ladyfriend made breakfast for her mom, me, and herself! She made me what I call boyscout eggs, and what most people call eggs in a basket. See below.

She also made bacon, coffee for her and her mom, (Starbucks French roast, btw, I hate coffee!) Ladyfriend thinks that Starbucks Coffee is the Nectar of the Gods. She also loves their lemon tarts a whole lot!

We also had orange/pineapple juice, scrambled eggs and toast for her mom, and Ladyfriend also made french toast for herself and some for me because I am Fat Guy! (gotta keep up with the image.)

(Hello, I am tasty awesome French toast!.)

Afterward, I chopped down some trees and overgrowth in the backyard and Ladyfriend carried branches to the front yard for the trash. She also trimed a bush and cut down more overgrowth after I jacked up my back carrying things out to the trash too. Ladyfriend thinks I am a wuss. Sniff. Sniff. I really did hurt my back!

Later, we went and looked at bows at Chick's archery for my hunting needs nearby her house. We also went to the local farm stand to get veggies for the salad Ladyfriend was going to make. We also went to the bank and to GFS Marketplace where Ladyfriend experienced the wonders of buying large quantities of food and their quite tasty samples.

(when movies get put in the wrong display box....hahahaha!)

After we came home, Ladyfriend started cooked a most awesssssoooomeee dinner of grilled Country Style barbecued ribs (that she had been marinating in 3 kinds of bbq and a rub all day), corn on the cob, salad, baked beans and some watermelon. Ladyfriend's sister, Cassy came over and her boyfriend, Jordan too. They brought sodas and cookies. We had a great dinner and a good time. Cassy really got up on the corn big time! (She has a salt and butter issue that she may need professional help for.)

Corn Face!!

Tasty Goodness.

After dinner, we watching the Kentucky Derby where a 50-1 odds horse, Mine That Bird, came out of no where and one. They say that the jockey was Calvin Borel, but, in this picture, something looks not quite right...hmmm....I can't really put my finger on it, oh well.

Anyway, the Derby this year attracted such ho celebrities as: Kim Kardashian, Kid Rock, Paris Hilton and her ho boyfriend, as well as some cool ones including Brooke Shields, Larry Birkhead (Famous Baby Daddy), Eli Manning, Joey Fatone, Nick Lachey & Bro (if you like gay boy band music.)

After the Derby, Ladyfriend cleaned up the kitchen and konked out until the next morning! She slept like 10+ hours. She was pooped out from all the yard work and cooking and allergy problems. I fell asleep later after watching an hour or two of a World War II Documentary DVD I bought at Half Price Books.


Sunday morning we went to Frisch's Big Boy in the C-Ville for some tasty vittles before I ripped up the carpet in Ladyfriend's mom's Living room. Below is a picture of me trying to eat Big Boy's burger. Mmmmmm.....


See? No crack! I am a classy redneck!

When we returned, I helped remove that pesky carpet. Ladyfriend got this great pic of me above in action.

Later, we pretty much wasted the day away watching 3-4 hours of Rose Red (a Stephen King Made-for-TV movie several years back on Sci Fi.) Ladyfriend had never seen it. She liked it.

We also reestablished our love of Domino's thin crust pizza. Here are some more pics of me hanging out with my buddies this weekend! Have a fantastic week!


Conan and I and the strange ghostly orb behind me, Check it out Ghost Hunters!!


And the orb gone, moments later. Ladyfriend is freaked out!!


Conan ticked off because Ladyfriend took his pic again!


Conan bird watching.


I’m an old skoo gangsta!!


Tinky getting rubs!


Tinky getting a rub and also scratching at her harness. She loves it!!


Wrestling with Rupert


100_2542 Tinky ready for bed with Ladyfriend after I left.

P.S. Part of this blog was edited in blogger…which by the way stinks for adding pictures or even anything, the other half was done quite smoothly with Windows Live Writer! LOVE IT. It will always be written like this now!


CASSY said...

I like the pics of Rupert and Tinky. Fat Guy should know that the Big Boy Burger is fake! Stick to buffets Fat guy!