Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tinky's Tough Times

Arrrr folks! It's yer ole pal Cap'n Fat Guy coming to you LIVE from Primitive Bullitt County with an exciting new blog update!

Things have been pretty wild lately! Tinky has had her fair share of hard knocks. Last Wednesday she had her last round of puppy vaccines at the vet and was made an appointment to be spayed this week. Later in the evening, around 9:30, 10:00ish, Ladyfriend noticed that her head had swelled up and her eyes were swelling shut. Ladyfriend freaked out! One of the vaccine's Tinky was given gave her an allergic reaction! The vet was luckily still open and her and her mom rushed Tinks to the vet. By the time they got there, she had huge hives all over her head and ears. She was kept overnight and given benadryl and cortisone and some other medicines as well as an oatmeal bath. She looked so miserable! Luckily, by the next day, she was fine and she came home all better!

Tuesday Tinky also had her appointment to be spayed. Ladyfriend was soooo scared because Tinks is so small. She is ok though, and Ladyfriend picked up our special lil feller yesterday!! Ladyfriend missed her. She cuddled with her all evening yesterday. Tinkers was so sleepy and Ladyfriend thinks whatever they fed her at the vet made her sick because she had bad doggy gas!! She also has bad fishy breath too. Yuck!Here are pics of her in her cone, it's so sad:

Ladyfriend and her lil angel muffin

Poor Ting

Sleepy and stinky baby!

Funny way she was sleeping under Ladyfriend's arm.

Pics of Conan who wasn't too happy to 1) Get his picture taken, 2) Tinky get all the attention because she's sicky

So here is what has been going on lately:

Ladyfriend hasn't had much time to type up a blog for me because her Business Ethics class is sucking up all her time! This past week and weekend I was on call, so I was really busy and pooped out, I didn't get to spend a whole lot of time with my furry homies and my Lady. Ladyfriend finished some awesome drawings of catfish for my Hunting/Fishing room for the new house. They look great. She needs to take some pictures of them and they will be uploaded in the future.

Last Saturday we went to check out the progress on my new hizzzouse!! They put the footer down last week. Here are some pics!

Tinky taking a look around

Super Tinks scoping out her future home!

Fat Guy and his little dog!

Ladyfriend standing where the future living room will be taking a picture outward. That's her car!

A pic from the road.

We are both so excited about the house! This week, I drove out and found out that they had placed the house down!!! Its still not complete, but it's finally there. I will have some pics soon, once I take Ladyfriend out to look at it! Soon the porches will be built and landscaping put down and it will be so awesommmmmeeeee! I will keep you all updated.

Ladyfriend also has been working on some excellent projects for the house besides the really cool fish drawings. A month ago she made these cut-outs from scrapbooking paper and an exacto-knife that she framed for our bird-themed living room! She will probably make a third for the series. They are very cool:

She repurposed an old floor lamp that was really cheap like this one:

She repainted it brown and covered it in twigs to look like a tree and added a new lamp shade. It looks totally awesome! Check it out:

She still has to add some nice neat rows of glued twine to cover the tied twine up so it will be more like the twine wrapped around this smaller lamp:

She also bought some more decor stuff for the house like this pillow to go in my ugly comfy lounge chair in my Hunting/Fishing room (she got me the one that talks about tree stands, and it has break-up camo on the back!):

She also got these three canvases with bridges on them because she really liked them for the bedroom:

Sunday, when we went to visit my mom on Mother's Day in Taylorsville, Ladyfriend started painting on the dining room chairs we purchased from a thrift shop for my house. Here are the before and after shots of one chair:



Tinky was also a big hit at my parents house and this is where she sat most of the day:

She also enjoyed running and rolling in the grass!

I also helped my dad put new line on almost all of his fishing poles so her wouldn't have to do it himself. Ladyfriend thinks I am soooo sweet!

Later, I sat down and had some cuddles with my little dog!

Thanks for stopping by this week! I leave you now with several comments from Ladyfriend herself!
Here is something funny Ladyfriend saw at one of her favorite Chinese restaurants:

This was on the door, and she had to take a pic and comment, "So that's where the pets are." (heehee, they cook cats.)

Sichuan Garden: We find em and cook em!

Also, she highly recommends this awesome coffee from Starbucks, for you crazed coffeeholics, (notice the hot pic of me in the background with Ladyfriend! haha):

....and breakfast of champions, Starbucks Lemon Tart and Ethiopian Bold coffee. She says they are both amazing!

Enjoy your week!


Anonymous said...

Tell Tinky everything will be okay...oh and I love that lamp!


fat guy and furry friends said...

Thanks, girl!! Thanks for becoming a follower.