Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Fat Guy’s Fabulous Weekend Getaway & Casa de Fat Guy update!



Soon after this blog was completed, Ladyfriend and I took a trip out to see the status of my house which will be done in a matter of days, hopefully. We also met my new neighbors who will be across the street, Gary and Carol and they are super nice. Check these fabulous pics out!


Love the huge porch!!!



The bizzzack, deck isn’t up yet.





Now back to our regularly

scheduled blog……

Hey guys! It's your ole pal Fat Guy again with my weekly update! I have tons of pics from our fabulous weekend in Frankfort, KY and Newport, KY!!


Ladyfriend and I went to visit our friends, Mike and Della in Frankfort on Friday evening until Sunday evening. We all had a great time!!


Mike lounging on porch next to fighting dogs, Pepper and Cocoa


Della sitting on the porch too.

Friday night Ladyfriend's mom had one of those Premiere jewelry parties/ bunco parties so I had to wait all alone in the computer room like a caged animal until it was over. I really wanted to spend time talking to everyone, but Ladyfriend said I was acting kind of rude since I said loud enough for the jewelry pusher to hear, "I can make all that stuff myself" and banished me to the computer room. Sniff. Sniff....tears. After Ladyfriend won third in bunco, some free jewelry and sunglasses, and bought a necklace, we left to hea to Frankfort.

We woke up and had an awesome breakfast that Della made! We had homemade waffles, turkey sausage, and scrambled eggs. Yum! Mike had to get up early to go to Traffic school because he drives very dangerously, lol. So, it was just me, Ladyfriend and Della hanging out most of the day. We all went to the grocery to get things for a cookout, we went to the Peddler's Mall Flea Market, the Goodwill, and I got my hair cut. At the Peddler's Mall, I had a great time trying on military helmets.


Also, Ladyfriend saw an antique box sitting on a shelf that looked like it said, Gangsta on top. The print was very weird and hard to read. Della walked up and said, "I think it says Canista." Then, like a dummy, Ladyfriend realizes that it is an old Canasta game. HAHAHA! Della and Ladyfriend had a good laugh about it all weekend.


An old canasta game, tried to find one like the gangsta one, but I couldn't.
We also went to one of the greatest Mexican restaurants ever made, La Grande Fiesta in Frankfort. Even though they have a really scary mural on the wall when you walk in, it still didn't deter our thoughts on the awesome food. We thought the painting was rather funny actually:

Pictu (2)



The really colorful chairs and tables at the restaurant.

After Mike came back from learning how to drive safer, Mike, Della, Ladyfriend and I hung out for a little while before going out again. We all sat out on the porch for a bit talking until Mike's lawn chair collapsed beneath him and Ladyfriend captured this pic:


We all decided to drive out to Taylorsville, KY to visit my Casa de Fat Guy!! It's close to being done! I will have my walk through tomorrow, methinks to see if I approve of everything, but I am sure that there will be some changes that the contractors will have to make. On our way to Taylorsville, we stopped to visit a mutual friend of mine and Mike's named Dwayne. He works at the Shelby County Firestation. Everyone thinks he looks like Quagmire from family guy. I think it was station 3 or so. Here are so pics Ladyfriend took, because she had never been in a firehouse:




Pic of Dwayne giving a double thumbs up, in his ambulance. It didn't come out too well.


On our way back from our trip to Taylorsville, Mike and I decided to take a different route back to Frankfort on these long, winding country roads and it made Della and Ladyfriend very nauseous. When we got back, I went straight to bed because I had an upset stomach and Ladyfriend, Mike and Della watched a little of Office Space before everyone got tired and went to bed.

When woke up on Sunday, Della make us awesome breakfast again of turkey sausage, scrambled eggs, and banana muffins which were homemade! Around 9:30 AM or so, this other couple (Tony and Becky, methinks) and some other people that Ladyfriend and I don't know, but are friends with Mike and Della, showed up and we all left for Newport Aquarium. It was such a beautiful day! We stopped on the way there and had a picnic. Della made curry chicken salad which I spit out in the grass because I apparently don't like curry, lol, and Mike choked down too. Ladyfriend and Della loved it, but I guess they like weird food. Curry is Ladyfriend's fave spice.



Mike looking like he may hurl

Picture 012

Ladyfriend and I at the picnic. She thinks I look like a bad cop here and really hot. I really just had my mouth full of sandwich and wasn't ready to have my pic taken.

It took us about an hour and a half to get to Newport. Here are our many pics:





Mike and Della looking at some fishies




Horseshoe crab



Picture 033

Many pics from the shark show which Ladyfriend loved!

Picture 035

Shark ray and Sting ray


Tiger sharks and Diver Dave


Shark ray again

Picture 067

Awesome sea turtle


Shark with big ole teefs


Ladyfriend modeling in front of aquarium


Ladyfriend and I petting sharks




Willy the penguin (There you go Cassy)




We loved feeding the lorikeets! They make us look like pirates. Arrrrr!





  Lorikeets chewing on my scalp.




I look like I am pooping on a poisonous dart frog, haha!

We had tons of pics, but these here are some of Fat Guy’s favorites!! After we got back from the Aquarium and most of us had a snooze on the way back, but lil ole Fat Guy who was driving, we all had a delicious cookout that Della put together!


Tasty burgers and brats

After our crazy fun weekend, it kind of stunk going back to the real world. Tuesday night was busy too! Ladyfriend’s sister Cassy graduated from college again with a degree in Business. Yay! Before we left for her graduation, tragedy struck the McCoy household. Chip, (one of the many wild rabbits that frolic in the yard of the Ladyfriend) ran under Ladyfriend’s car. She saw Chip and knew not to hit him. However, Chip had a baby, (also named Chip) trotting behind it that was so small, the size of a hamster, that no one knew was there. I accidentally stepped on lil Chip and he went to bunny heaven. It was very tragic and confusing for all of us. Say a little prayer for Chip and the rest of the Chip family.

Moving on…..

Here are the pics from Cassy’s graduation!

Picture 120

Cassy and Ladyfriend’s mom

Picture 124

Cassy with her twin, Kitty. Freaks!!

Picture 122

The beautiful Ladyfriend and Cassy  

Picture 125

Cassy displaying her amazing feats of strength

Picture 121

The McCoy Gals

Picture 112

Me sitting next to Ladyfriend'’s dad. I was acting goofy.

Picture 108

Mayor Jerry Abramson of Louisville was the guest speaker for some odd reason

Picture 109

 Picture 118

Me acting silly while waiting for Mayor Jerry Abramson to stop talking!

Picture 123

All three sisters!!!

Picture 114

Cassy just after she got her diploma

So this is what has been happening in Fat Guy’s very busy life!!! Stay tuned for more exciting adventures next week!


Anonymous said...

Okay...poor rabbit! LOL. Mike and that chair was funny as h-e-double hockey sticks! You guys are funny. Have a nice weekend!


fat guy and furry friends said...

I know!!! We have interesting weekends!