Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Pull Yer Hurrrr Out Insanity!

Hey there folks! It's yer pal Fat Guy here with an update on Casa de Fat guy and life in general!

(pic of me exploring my oriental roots @ Old Tyme Pottery)

Things have been extremely stressful for Ladyfriend and I. The house is still not ready yet and we are both at our wits end. Ladyfriend was so upset about everything yesterday that she finally called the contractor herself and asked what was up. (We were supposed to move in round mid to end of May, and that didn't happen. She found out yesterday that there have been two contractors working on the house and they didn't tell me. Apparently, the first contractor was a loser and was fired. The new contractor, the one we've been working with the whole time, told Ladyfriend that he was fixing an "error" with the house. Finally, she got it out of him that the previous contractor hadn't done any of the paperwork through planning and zoning and that's why we couldn't get the water and electric hooked up. So, these are the things we are waiting on for the house to be ready:

1) Electric
2) Water
3) A fence around the pond
4) The air conditioner
5) Trim touched up around door because it looks bad
6) Our washer and dryer that was supposed to have come with the house and apparently has been re-ordered 4-5 times because they are retarded.

We both are fried and so tired!! I had to move all of my stuff yesterday because my current roommate was being a jackass about me staying almost 2 weeks after the date I was supposed to move out and threatened me to pay him money, but he changed his mind after Ladyfriend and I moved all of my things out last night. I moved everything into the house and I am staying with Ladyfriend until the house is ready, so that was another stressful event. Ladyfriend has missed two classes this week and has a test on Thursday. She is cramming non-stop because she hasn't been able to concentrate on school with all the stress of the house. We both had melt-downs yesterday. Ladyfriend bawled her eyes out and I got sniffly and lip-quivery as well. I also puked my guts out from stress! Here's a hint to all my readers: BUY A HOME ALREADY BUILT!!!!

They did actually get some landscaping done over the weekend, the back porch torn down and replaced with the proper size, and the driveway, (which was put on the wrong side, last week, but Ladyfriend likes it) but we have no water to water our grass or trees, Here's a recent pic:

So, the waiting game continues on, and we are pooped and angry! Today the water and electric should be put in, at least the electric, but it has been pouring all day, so that probably won't happen either......BLAHHH! In the meantime, I will continue to look at "tools" for the house that Ladyfriend always seems to think are intended for her body, considering I have a large deep freeze for storing deer parts and I look at shovels, machetes, and axes at Walmart all the time. Hahahahha!

Ladyfriend is also racking her brain making awesome projects for the house and art. We took a trip to Old Tyme Pottery this weekend and she got some art for the large bathroom. We also took silly pics. Here is Ladyfriend pretending she is the Sham Wow winky-eye guy:

Well, that's all I have for you this week! I am worn out! Stay tuned for next week's adventures, and hopefully we will be in our new home!!