Tuesday, June 16, 2009

We're Finally In!!

Hey guys!!! It's Fat Guy again!! I am here to update you on the goings on of the Casa de Fat guy/Ladyfriend and our furry creatures!!

As you all may have read in the previous blog, it's been a very trying time for Ladyfriend and I with all of the hizzzouse drama. Last week, Ladyfriend had several meltdowns and so did I! She had finally had it, so on Thursday, after I repeatedly called the contractor, as well as general manager of Clayton homes every day not hearing the answers I wanted to hear, Ladyfriend looked up the 800 number for Clayton and got intouch with the Regional manager. She told him about all of our concerns and he handled every one of them! She told him how they never did the paperwork through planning and zoning which put us further behind because we couldn't have water or electric installed and how both the general manager of Clayton and the contractor kept this fact from us. (Apparently, there had been a previous contractor that royally screwed up things and he didn't get that paperwork done, so they had to pay alot of fines.) Also, our washer and dryer we were told would arrive with the house, but didn't, so we kept getting the run around about where it was and how it would get to us. We also of course, still had no electric, AC, or water, and no fence around our pond which is regulatory. It had also been raining alot, and by the way, still is. We have had pretty rough weather lately. They also put down landscaping, trees, and grass seed before our yard had been trenched to hook up the water. Lovely. Needless to say, Ladyfriend was very very ticked off and let them have it, but in a nice way, sort of. Within a half hour to an hour, the general manager of Clayton called her at work and was shocked that she called the regional manager. He said, "No one has ever called the regional manager on me and it is a very very BIG deal. I have and our store has never received a complaint." She told him that there was too much miscommunication about many aspects of the home building and we were not informed about many things. After a long talk, and wanting to ensure that they get a 10 on their survey when I fill out my paperwork, the general manager gave Ladyfriend his personal cell number, the cell number of the guy building the fence and hooking up the water, (so she could call him and have the water set up) and Blevins heating and Air was contacted and told to bring our AC and washer and dryer to our home the next day. Our electric was turned on earlier that day before more rain hit. So, we moved in while the water, AC, washer and dryer were being hooked up on Friday, June 12!!! We got pretty much everything moved in in one day with the help of our buddy, Brandon! We also got a free awesome couch a few weeks ago from his relatives, a free over-sized comfy chair, and we bought an entertainment center and 27" TV from his girlfriend, Nikki's relative. We had also gotten months ago, a free couch from Ladyfriend's mom, a free queen-sized super comfy pillow-top bed from my sister, a dresser, coffee table, CD player, and two end tables which cost $60 all together from Kenny (a friend of ours) & one of his relatives. We also just got an awesome stainless steel grill that just needs to be cleaned up a little from Kenny!! The move went pretty smooth despite all of the set backs and we are so happy with how everything is turning out (except we are poor right now, lol!) Here are some pics of our decor, so far....Ladyfriend says she still has a ton of work to do, so enjoy:

Lamp Ladyfriend repurposed for the Hunting/Fishing room

Notice the free couch and chair, and awesome cheap coffee table and end table in the pic below. The tiny brown silouette bird pillows were among the most expensive items in the room at $16 a piece. The sage pillows came from walmart and were probably $7 or so. The 3 tall candle holders and candles came from a yard sales and are home interior, regularly $59, Ladyfriend got them all for $15 at a yard sale. The 2 wall tins above them were $4.95 a piece through LTD. The bird pics in the corner were in a previous blog. Ladyfriend made those for very cheap. The candle holder with birds was a Big Lots special, don't remember the price, but it was $12 or less, the candle cost $6 or so, the old books were free, they are some Ladyfriend's papaw and grandpa both had.

The wrought iron clock seen above the $50 TV and entertainment center was free, as well as the wrought iron key holder by the door. (Both given to us by my mom.) The cube wall shelves in the corner were $5 for the two at a yard sale, but we bought some corner shelves too, that we haven't put up yet, so all together they made us a deal of $10. The curtains came with the home, of course. We picked those out. They need to be steamed, they are wrinkled.

Look! There's a Fat Guy watching a movie in the chair with his lil dog!

Fish windchime Ladyfriend's mom bought me. It sounds really good!

The setting sun from our front porch.

Tinkers on her Mexican blanket I brought to the house. SHE LOVES HER HERITAGE!!....and the blanket.

Blurry pic of Conan moving, (he doesn't pose for pics, he runs) and Tinky relaxing on her blanket.

Conan snoozing on the couch.

Our frickin' expensive Walmart comforter set that didn't come with sheets or pillow cases. We realized this a week or so before we moved in, so Ladyfriend bought somewhat matching blue jersy knit sheets (they were cheaper and are soooo soft!) The 3 bridge pictures are a lil smallish for the room, so they may get moved to another area in the room. They were $10.95 for all of them through LTD. She hasn't even begun to decorate this room yet because there is so much to do!

Our two dressers that Ladyfriend is eventually going to add new pulls and knobs to and sand and paint to match each other. We also will get a ceiling fan for this room and put this fan elsewhere. Stay tuned for updates on this!

Small Bedroom. We haven't done a thing with this room except move the bookshelf in and put things we don't know what to do with in here. It will be Ladyfriend's mini art studio eventually.

Hall bathroom, the small one. Ladyfriend loves the colors! We still need art for this room.

Hunting/Fishing Room. It isn't finished yet, either. Ladyfriend has made a ton of fish pictures so far for it that we need to buy frames for. Notice the tree lamp she made in the corner. The couch was given to us by Ladyfriend's mom. It has recliners! Rug was free from my mom, and curtains $2 at yard sale. They need to be steamed too.

Rocking comfy chair we got from Kenny and decorative pillow that talks about treestands on one side (in another old blog) and camo on the other side. Stay tuned for updates on this room, as well. There will be more camo coming soon!

We have not hung our art for this room yet or decided what to put on top of the cabinets. Ivy is overrated! We also haven't steamed or ironed the curtains or table cloth. The chairs are also still at his parents house. They are going to be refinished also. Notice the free canisters that we ganked from the model home. Our salesperson let Ladyfriend have them because she liked them. That is the only cool thing Clayton has done. Our kitchen will have a "Paris coffee/cafe theme."

The Master bath potty! Everything in this room will have a golden yellow theme. (including the pee pee, lol!) Keeping it bright!

Ladyfriend's big ole tub. She loves it. Although I did use it and Ladyfriend thinks I look silly in it!

We have not put up any art in this room yet, but we have some yellow flower pics. Coming soon!

Master bath sinks

Crackled glass soap despenser, Q-tip/cotton ball holder thingy, and tooth brusher holder Ladyfriend loves that her sister, Cassy gave us!

Our Master Bath shower

This is what we have accomplished so far since Friday. I'd say we are doing well! We will keep you updated with new decor as it comes! Stay tuned until next week and thanks to all those who have given us wonderful items to fill our home and for moving help and support! We are so blessed and we love you all!


Christine and FAZ said...

Congrats on your new home. FAZ

fat guy and furry friends said...

Thanks, Faz! You are very pretty!