Monday, April 27, 2009

Bea Arthur....I just heard the news....sigh....

A special report from Ladyfriend herself......

A HUGE Golden Girls fan.....

April 25, 2009

Rest in Peace!

A Watermelon Weekend

Hey folks! Glad you all could stop by and hear about our fantastic weekend! Here's what happened in Fat Guy, a little dog, and an orange cat world......


Ladyfriend bought some more decor for the living room online on LTD while at work, shhhhhh. She got these cool hammered tin wall tiles all for $14.85, well, three, cuz she only wanted three. Green, light beige and brown.

Ladyfriend and I went out after work to pick up a few things from Walmart for the new Casa de Fat Guy. We also had some tasty Penn Station, Ladyfriend thinks their fries are from Heaven, even though she isn't too big on fries.

We also went to Half Price Books and looked around for awhile. Ladyfriend wanted to go home and rest for the night, so we went our separate ways. Ladyfriend konked out at her house watching TV, and later I ran out to get a new fan for my room, since mine broke. While I was out, I got called into work since I was on call. It really stunk. I didn't get home until 12:30 am. Yuck. So much for a relaxing Friday evening at home!


I went and picked up Ladyfriend for brunch at the local Dennnnnaaaay's. She wasn't feeling very well and had a bad headache/stuffy nose from allergies. After that, she ran and picked up a pillow that she had ordered for the hizzzouse at the Post Office and then drug me into Jewel's House of Teas in Clarksville to pick up some Dream Goddess Oolong tea there. That is her favorite tea.

Finally, we ran out to my friend, Kenny's house to pick up an awesome coffee table and end table set that he had got from a relative for us. For the two end tables and the coffee table, I paid $60. Sweeet!

Plus, Kenny gave me a comfy chair that will go in the Fishing/Hunting room at the house. Ladyfriend said I can't put it in the Living Room because it's not "Living Room material." She thinks it's comfy but pretty ugly. It won't be ugly with some camo on it though! Yee haw! We also got an old dresser from Kenny that Ladyfriend is going to refinish and add new hardware too. She's so artsy. Later, we took our furniture finds and headed to Taylorsville, KY to my parent's house to drop it all off in their great big barn/garage.

We also picked up a watermelon at the fruit stand on the way, because Ladyfriend was hankering for some Watermelon. Turned out, the Watermelon was the highlight of the day. My two nieces Alexis and Emily, who were over at my parents house, had a blast eating and playing in it! They also enjoyed being flipped upside down and piggy-backing courtesy of Uncle Fat Guy.

Emily on my shoulders and Alexis waiting in line.

Alexis on my shoulders.

The front of my parent's house.

My parent's backyard.

Alexis and her face in a watermelon slice!

Emily posing dramatically with her watermelon.

Alexis being sprayed with the hose by my mom!

The girls getting sprayed down by mom with the hose after the watermelon explosion.

My parents and my sister Amanda and her hubby were having a yard sale all weekend. Several people wanted to buy the coffee table/end tables we dropped off as soon as Ladyfriend and I drove up with them in the trunk!

Later, Ladyfriend and I went to an awesome barbecue place called, "The Shack in the Back" out in Fairdale. We highly recommend it's delicious awesomeness!! Ladyfriend thinks it's very rustic and cute because it looks like a log cabin on the inside.

Fat Guy waiting for some bbq deliciousness at the Shack in the Back
(did you notice I shaved the gotee last week? Ladyfriend thinks I look like a creepy child molester without it....I am growing it back, lol.)

We also did a little evening fishing with Kenny at his trailer park. They have a nice sized lake there where they had been having a tournament all day. We didn't catch a thing but huge bug bites!

Me looking quite tired and itchy

We made a stop at the local Shoney's out on Fern Valley Rd. Ladyfriend told me I am only allowed to have buffets on Sundays now, since I eat it too much and she hates buffets because she has no gallbladder and an icky stomach frequently. I agreed. My buffet problem has really spiraled out of control.
Later, we went to Ladyfriend's house and mowed her lawn and weed-eated. It was stinking hot!!We also helped her mom take some old clothes and things to the Thrift store, because she was doing some spring cleaning. We cooled down after and relaxed, having some more watermelon we bought at Walmart. It was Watermelon weather! We also spent time with my favorite furry friends and a couple other ones too!!
Tinky and Rupert (Ladyfriend's mom's cat) wrestling. Conan ignoring them.

Orange cat disgruntled yet again to get his picture taken.

The aminals all cuddling, after fighting, of course.

Fat guy with Orange Cat and two boxes of Nerds.
Teddy, (Ladyfriend's mom's dog) far away from the aminal commotion. He's old.

This is how Tinky laid most of the day. She was soooo sleepy!

Later, we visited Ladyfriend's dad's house for a mini cook-out. He is a great cook! We had ribeyes, chicken, brats, weiners, baked beans, tato salad, and salad. It was awesome!! Well, that's what happened in our world this weekend, stay tuned for more amazing adventures each week! I leave you now with pictures of Tinky and her mama watching TV in bed last night after I went home.

Tinky ready for bed!

Ladyfriend getting kisses from her Tinks!

Baby Tinkers with E.T.! Ladyfriend's toy from childhood.

See you all next time!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Casa De Fat Guy Update!

Ladyfriend and I would like to show you the future hizzzouse of Casa De Fat Guy and company!! It has finally come in, we just have to wait for it to be fixed up and set up. Here are a few pics to wet your whistle. I have also enclosed a few items we will have in the house!

Front of the Hizzzzouse!! Ladyfriend couldn't get all of it in pic.

These are only pics of the kitchen, the house is still in two pieces and not everything is ready yet. Ladyfriend couldn't get into the living room half to take pictures, it was too cluttered with curtains and wood.

The dinnerware Ladyfriend bought me for my birthday

Here is a pic of the comforter set I bought for my bed! It's microsuede! Niiiice.

Small pillows for couch in the Bird-themed living room. There will also be some plain sage green ones on couch too.

Mocha colored glassware Ladyfriend also got me for the birthday. We both like brown!

This same day, Ladyfriend wanted to go to Michael's Crafts/Art store to get supplies to make some pictures for the living room, so while we were there, I took the opportunity to act like a goof, enjoy:

I am a weirdo.

Stay tuned for some pics of projects Ladyfriend is working on for the house!!

Have a great rest of your week everyone!

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Karaoke King, Tinky's Big Day Out, and The Kitchen Strikes Again!!

Hello boys and girls! Fat guy has an incredible blog lined up for y'all this week! It'll knock your socks off!

Here's what happened in fat guy world this weekend:

Friday or the Karaoke King Strikes Again Day

First, I brought beautiful Tulips, Layfriend's favorite to her work to suprise her because she had a rough week being grumpy and all. Plus, I am totally sweet!

After Ladyfriend and I got off of work we went and hung out with a bunch of friends over at Phoenix Hill Tavern. Ladyfriend doesn't like bars very much but she ended up having a goofy fun time! My good friends Pete and Cyndi and go there every other weekend to blow off some steam. We finally got some time in between doing the house stuff to stop by and visit with them and some other friends there.

Anna, Ladyfriend's co-worker modeling with the Tulips

A good picture of Ladyfriend and I at a table at the Hill.

I got a lil silly and decided to Karaoke. I LOVE to Karaoke (just as much as buffffffettttsss!!!) I actually don't sing too bad. Ladyfriend wasn't embarrassed at my voice. I sung Bon Jovi's Dead or Alive, John Michael Montgomery's Sold, and the hit of the evening that really drew in the crowds, Dear Penis by Rodney Carrington, a very funny comedic song. You can look up the lyrics since we are keeping this blog family friendly and bleeping out Cyndi's boobie shirt. lol!

Cyndi and Michael. His face blushes easily, this was the point.

Me being accosted by Cyndi, notice Ladyfriend attempting to pick my nose.

Being scolded by a pirate, not really, but this pic looks like it.

Ladyfriend also being scolded by a ravenous pirate-man with a drum stick.

We're crazy!!

Saturday or the day of Anti-Thunder Awareness

I don't have any pictures from Saturday! Ladyfriend and I went shopping all day at flea markets and thrift shops, like she loves to do. We were trying to hide from Thunder Over Louisville and the crowds. One flea market scared her so bad (it was very ghetto) she held on to her purse like an old lady. We also both felt kinda sicky acid refluxy all weekend from eating chinese Friday night. It sucked!! We bought some chairs to go with a table Ladyfriend is refinishing for my new house. She likes to work on crafty projects, art, and fixer upper stuff. Here is a picture of a catfish, one of many, she is drawing for my fishin' room at my new house. It's not finished. It's pretty awesome, huh?

We also spent some time at my parents house this weekend in Taylorsville, KY. We were there dropping off the chairs we bought and a bunch of things we bought for the house like bathroom decor, kitchen towels, a comforter, pillows, and pots and pans. Later, we went to visit some friends of mine, Brandon and Nicki. We also went to the very tasty Waffle House.

Sunday or the Reckoning of the Kitchen and Phonebook throwing incident

As you can see, I struck the local buffet scene again with a vengence. Ladyfriend wasn't feeling too pleasant after eating this place because she thinks it's waaaay too greasy. The Kitchen in Shepherdsville, KY is an awesome place to eat if you like greasy spoon buffet style and people smoking everywhere. Ladyfriend does like their meatloaf and bacon there...but not at the same time. After breakfast, we went to Clarksville, IN to Ladyfriend's house and relaxed while watching Spiderman II on TV and picked up Little Dog (aka Tinky)!!! I love my lil' feller! We all went up to Bass Pro to watch the fishies eat with the tiny dog in tow. She was cold, so Ladyfriend dressed her in her black sweater/scarf combo.

Ladyfriend and Orange Cat watching Doc Oc on the TV

Fat Guy and a festival of aminals!! Notice the visit from Rupert, Ladyfriend's mom's cat.

Mega fat catfish Ladyfriend would love to catch!

Tinky Learning to fish and hunt!

Tinky in the elevator with Daddy and her peeps.

Tinky goes to Starbucks!! How classy and yuppie and yummmmm!

Fat Guy getting kisses from his Little dog!!

We also took Tinks to Petsmart and got her a new harness and leash, she also got a bath when she got home.

Tinky pooped out with her toy from her wild and crazy day.

Later, this Fat Guy asked Ladyfriend to order some pizza while we were lounging around the house. It was such an ordeal! Ladyfriend called Pizza Hut and got the slowest, dumbest person that worked there. She didn't understand which coupon we were using and would pause and write down things for at least 5 minutes in between talking to Ladyfriend. Ladyfriend also had to repeat my card number to her at least 4 to 5 times and she still didn't process the card right. Ladyfriend got sooooo mad that she hung up and spazzed out throwing the "User Friendly Notebook" that really isn't user friendly into the wall numerous times shredding it. I just sat back and laughed at her spazz attack.

Ladyfriend was also not very amused when I decided to "fumigate" her Corolla with a sewage scent that can only be described as an outhouse used by Satan himself.

Stay tuned for more wacky adventures from Fat Guy and his family of aminals next week!